Way No 60 - Do Social Media Moderation

Many companies and brands have multiple social media accounts. They use these accounts to stay connected with their customers, receive feedback and resolve their problems.
As the company’s client base grows it becomes difficult for them to keep up with all the customer-generated content such as questions, comments and so on.
That’s where social media moderators come in.
Social media moderators are paid to monitor various social media channels and ensure that user generated content are appropriate.

Suitable For -

Anyone who loves social media and is active on it daily.

Skills Required - 

1. Ability to follow instructions, review and accurately classify the nature of user generated content.
2. Review moderated content and provide sentiment insight. 
3. Work independently and meet time conditions of the project.

How To Get Started -

The best option to get started is to apply for the post of a Social Media Moderator on Crispthinking.com
Submit your crisp thinking application at
With Crispthinking you can work 24/7, there’s no work time window, but you’ll need to work at least 15 hours per week. They’ll pay you between $10 to $15 per hour depending on your expertise.
Alternative Websites -
Following is the list of other reputed websites where you can apply for social media moderation jobs to increase your earnings.
  • LiveWorld.com
  • ModSquad.com


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